Introduction to Investing

Your step-by-step bootcamp with Emilie Bellet will help you to:

  • Understand how investing works

  • Learn about risk

  • Get started with investing

  • Feel comfortable with financial jargon

  • Choose what investment platforms to use

  • Remember: investing is crucial to help you achieve your long term goals!

Online 6-Week Bootcamp (live and pre-recorded)

9th September - 14th October from 7-8:30pm

Vestpod Bootcamp: Introduction to Investing
Join Bootcamp

Payment plans are available, allowing you to split your payment into two instalments. We offer a handful of bursaries and free places. For more information, please get in touch here to find out more.


What You Are Saying

“Thank you so much Emilie. You have made it such an enjoyable experience, and an empowering one. Something I thought I would never have said about investing!”

— Moira, Investing Bootcamp May 2023

“It was a marvellous bootcamp, it opened my eyes to an entire new universe, I’m so grateful for this injection of knowledge and guidance and can’t wait to share my progress in September.”

— Sylviane, Investing Bootcamp May-23

“I really enjoyed the course Emilie, thanks very much for making it such a friendly and interactive experience! I definitely feel motivated to continue my learning now, looking forward to the reunion in June :-) Thanks”

— Katie, Investing Bootcamp May 2022

Get started investing in 6 easy steps

01. Why do people invest, anyway?

Monday 9th September @7-8:30pm (London time) LIVE

  • Step1: Debunking the myths

  • Step 2: Why invest? The ABC of investing

  • Step 3: Going for growth

02. Understanding and managing investment risk

W/c 16th September PRE-RECORDED

  • Step 1: Understand the main asset classes: stocks, bonds, cash

  • Step 2: Reframe risk

  • Step 3: Your risk profile: attitude, appetite and managing risk

03. Stocks, shares and equity: votes, value and impact

W/c 23rd September PRE-RECORDED

  • Step 1: Understanding stock, shares and markets

  • Step 2: Shareholder democracy - the power is in your hands

  • Step 3: Investing for ‘good’: ESG and aligning investments with your values

04. How best to invest?

Monday 30th September @7-8:30pm (London time) LIVE

  • Step 1: Focus on funds: diversification, active vs passive

  • Step 2: Efficient investing: understand taxes and costs

  • Step 3: Find the right financial products for you

05. Where to invest?

W/c 7th October PRE-RECORDED

  • Step 1: Guide to picking an investment platform

  • Step 2: Live platform demo with Emilie

  • Step 3: Take my advice! Working with advisers

Join Bootcamp

06. You’re good to go!

Monday 14th October @7-8:30pm (London time) LIVE

  • Step 1: How to: complete step-by-step guide

  • Step 2: Get time on your side

  • Step 3: Top tips to help you continue on your investing journey

Each week Includes Slides and Recordings

+ Bonus: market updates, Live Demos, weekly worksheets, useful resources, podcast and books recommendations to go further!

Emilie Bellet, founder of Vestpod

Emilie worked in private equity for Lehman Brothers before and set up Vestpod in 2015 to help women manage their finances. You may also have read her bestselling book You’Re Not Broke, You’Re Pre-Rich and listened to our podcast The Wallet.

She writes monthly for i news, and had been featured in many publications including the FT and Forbes.

She taught money management and investing to tens of thousands of people via Vestpod and at private workshops. She is also a mum of 3 young kids, played hockey for the French national team and live in London.


What exactly is the Vestpod investing bootcamp?

The bootcamp is a highly curated online gathering for women who want to get started investing managing their finances and build financial security over the long term.

I will help guide you through everything from understanding investing, conceptually and then practically, the tools and things you need to know to get started. We will look at the jargon and help you navigate some of the platforms! We will also answer your questions during the sessions and over the 6 weeks.

🚨 What is the Vestpod investing bootcamp NOT?

We are not financial advisors: instead, we’re here to help you understand how money management works and to relay your options. This is not investing advice either, and we will remind you that investing is for the long term - and investments can go up and down in value.

A bootcamp is not an online course but rather an interactive gathering: we like to keep it intimate and personal so that you don’t feel like you’re a part of a huge community. We pride ourselves on being judgment-free, inclusive, and fun!

I am currently unable to afford a bootcamp. Do you provide scholarships?

We understand that financial constraints can often hinder personal and professional growth. That's why we now offer several scholarships for our bootcamp. We also acknowledge the financial difficulties that many individuals have encountered recently and firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to enhance their money skills and build wealth. Please feel free to email us for more information.

What is the time commitment?

We will have six 1 hour 30 minute live or pre-recorded Zoom sessions, and you’ll need to roughly spend an hour a week for self-study. Sessions are recorded so don’t worry if you can’t make them all.

Who is teaching this investing bootcamp?

Emilie Bellet, founder of Vestpod, designed this bootcamp from her experience running workshops for tens of thousands of women.

I can't join this cohort, will there be more?

There's likely to be another cohort following this one in Q1 2025!

What will I gain from joining?

Knowledge, community, and financial confidence! We will be getting together via live group video calls with me and my money expert friends, and you’ll get Vestpod worksheets to help you through the process. You will also have access to the private community.

Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome! This specific bootcamp is geared slightly more towards those just starting out and curious about investing, and we are open to welcoming you whether you’re an employee, self-employed, business owner or not currently working. The bootcamp focuses on UK specific investment products, platforms, taxes and costs, but the investment principles covered are applicable to investing outside the UK.

What if I don’t like the investing bootcamp?

It happens! If you feel you didn’t get what you wanted after watching the live recordings and using the worksheets, we’ll give you a 100% refund a week after completing the bootcamp.

Enrica Dellapietà

"Vestpod’s bootcamp definitely changed my relationship with money…again! I feel even more empowered after the course, I have new goals for the future and I learned more about pensions, my net worth, and investing. But mainly, how to love money more. I highly recommend Emilie’s bootcamps and events to everyone!"

Catriona Clark

"I attended the first Vestpod Bootcamp course run by Emilie Bellet and it was nothing short of spectacular. This is the deep dive into personal financing that I've needed my whole life! One of the greatest takeaways was meeting such a diverse and wonderful group of women. The environment that Emilie nurtured was full of support, encouragement and how to keep it fun! the advice and knowledge you gain will last a lifetime!

Lara Sheldrake

“Attending anything run by Emilie is like gifting your future self. I always told myself “one day I’ll do that thing, save that money, invest in my pension” and thanks to Emilie I’m making positive steps towards my financial health today and can finally feel in control and confident about my financial future. This bootcamp is just the ticket for anyone looking to take control of their finances and to actually achieving their goals with the help of some of the best in the industry. Run, don’t walk!”

What is Vestpod?

Vestpod is a thriving community with a mission to help people, and in particular women, achieve financial independence.

We talk openly about money, building sustainable financial habits, earning more and investing for the long term.

Women in the UK are paid just 90p for every £1 earned by a man, are more likely to take on caring roles and invest less. This takes a huge toll on women’s pensions, and the average woman retires with half as much in her pension pot as a man.

Together, we can help close the gender wealth gap.