What On Earth Are We Doing With Our Money?
Welcome to our new money section! You may already know Refinery29’s Money Diaries… this is our own version of it! We’ve put together a few questions to understand what women are doing with their money. Let’s break the taboo and talk more about finances!
It’s short, snappy, fun and anonymous.
Operations Director for a start-up in London. 39 years old. Single... and ready to mingle.
Financial goals:
Short term (1-5 years): Buy house in London, create 3x addition income streams
Medium term (5-10 years): Start my own business, create enough passive income to have option of retiring at 50 (tens time)
Long term (10 years +): Have enough passive income to chose what I do and when I do it
Best buy ever: My Kent flat. £130k in 2003. Bought it in 15 mins. Only place I saw and had many happy memories. Location is perfect
Worst buy ever: Insurance without legal cover. You never know when you might need it
Things you spend the most money on: lunch at work, travel to work, drinks/eating out, personal dev
Salary / Income: £70k + £10k in passive income / year
Net worth (what you own vs what you owe, or your assets minus your debts): £190k (back of fag packet) - need to do this properly
Any side hustles: Rent of Kent flat + garage
Savings: Yes. 10 months cash reserve (I work in start ups). Savings for London home (22% each month)
Home: Yes. £170k. Saving for London home (12-18 months)
Debt: Mortgage £29k
Investing: This is my current focus - could be much better. Some Crowdfunding investment. Tiny crypto
Pension: Yes. Have 10 years in final salary pension frozen (was on a very low salary). NEST work pension (I know this is sh*t, but's a start up pension)
Insurances: Income protection, serious illness, landlord
What is money for you? Freedom, options, security, opportunities
What is financial independence for you? Doing what I want, when I want, with whoever i want, and not worrying about the pennies
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