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How to Set Your Money Intentions: A Template

Given the opportunity, everyone would love to accumulate more wealth and live an abundant life. However, many people have a poor relationship with money. They have trouble manifesting money and wealth into their lives, and as a result, never achieve the financial success they desire. Today, we’ll give you our best tips to manifest wealth.

How to Set Your Money Intentions: A Template

You may have heard that setting intentions are a great way of improving your life. If you’ve ever explored the topic, you’ll be aware that intentional thoughts can be extremely powerful and can bring about significant change to your life. So if this works in other areas of life, how about looking at finance intentions?

We’re going to explore what money intentions are and how they can help you. We’re also going to take a look at how you can set your own intentions and start working towards bringing about real changes to the state of your finances.

What do we mean by intentions?

It’s easy to look at the word ‘intentions’ and make the assumption that it’s just another way of referring to a goal. The thing is, a goal is much more specific and is focused on a particular thing. Intentions, on the other hand, are more about a purpose or an attitude.

Intentions come about based on someone’s personal values. There is a focus on both the mind and body as well as on how you want your life to progress and the direction that you want it to take.

What’s the point in setting intentions?

The reality is that your mind is probably a lot more powerful than you think. When you use it to really focus your thoughts you can bring about significant change. You can carry about your normal day-to-day activities but as you do you have a sense of knowing where you’re going and just what your future looks like.

Conversely, a life that lacks intentions also lacks direction. Rather than heading out to get what they want, people find themselves purely reacting to circumstances which means that have much less control over their lives.

How to go about setting finance intentions

Knowing just how powerful intentions can be, it makes sense to use these in terms of money and finances. Money can be a source of stress and even distress, so being able to take control of your financial future is nothing short of empowering. Let’s take a look at the steps that you need to work through to get your money intentions right:

Decide what matters to you most

Intentions are all about you and your personal values. That means that setting these requires taking the time to reflect on what really matters to you. When looking at finance intentions, it’s about looking at the big picture and the role that money is going to play in your future.

Once you’ve spent the time to identify your values, you can assure that your money intentions work towards these. You could, for example, value family life and you may be looking at ways that allow you to have more family time without money worries getting in the way.

Set a financial affirmation

When you know what your finance intentions are, there still may be times when you start to veer off track. A good way to pull yourself back is by having a financial affirmation or even a mantra. it could be that you run into issues that create roadblocks. Rather than then abandoning your intentions, your mantra is there to redeem you.

Your affirmation/mantra serves as a way to bring your focus back. It reminds you why you have your money intentions in the first place, and why they matter so much.

Buddy up

Do you have friends that have similar aims to you? Is it likely that they’ll have set their own finance intentions too? If so, why not buddy up with them? A buddy like this is a great way of being held accountable. When times get hard or tricky, you both have someone that you can turn to.

The best buddy is one that is working towards something that is similar to you. If someone shares a vision it’s so much easier to keep each other on track.

Make checking your finances a habit

With money intentions in place, you need to be reviewing your finances to ensure that everything is moving in the right direction. A cursory overview isn’t going to work here. What you need is an in-depth focus on a regular and frequent basis.

You could make checking your finances a daily routine. It may work better for you if it’s a weekly or monthly activity. No matter what, just ensure that checking in becomes habitual.

Practice gratitude

While your finance intentions are about your future and where you’re heading, you need to remember that the here and now are good too. Life may not be perfect but you can be sure that you have things to be grateful for.

Make the time to look at where you are now and what you’ve already achieved. Be grateful for all of this as you continue into your future.

Beyond the money

Your money intentions are, of course, about money. However, don’t allow the idea of money for money’s sake consume you. Instead, look at money as a tool that you can use to get what you want out of life.

Every time that your finances improve just remember that, rather than simply hoarding money, you are moving towards a lifestyle that aligns with your personal values.

Keep track

To recognise success yule got to know when it’s happened. You also need to know when things have changed and maybe your money intentions need to be tweaked. By keeping a record of where you are, and what you’ve achieved, you’ll always know if you’re on track to achieve the future that you want.

Final thoughts

The power of intentions can’t be underestimated. Finance intentions really do have the potential to change your life for the better and lead you to the future that you truly desire. Have a look at what setting money intentions can do for you. The sooner that you set these, and start your journey forward, the sooner you can be living the life that you want to.