Articles Adele Barlow Articles Adele Barlow

How to start and raise funding for a truly disruptive business, with Farah Kabir

🌸 In 2017, Farah Kabir launched HANX, the sexual wellness brand with women in mind with her childhood friend Sarah. HANX sells a range of products, from their award-winning ultra-thin, vegan, biodegradable condoms to oestrogen-free hormonal contraception. Now stocked online and in Boots, Sainsbury's and other major UK retailers, they are genuinely disrupting the feminine care industry.

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Articles Vestpod Articles Vestpod

Breaking out of our fear of taxes, with Carla Hoppe

When you’re in a financial crisis and seeking help, the first conversation (where you open up about the reality of the situation) can be the hardest. Although this initial conversation might not provide all the solutions overnight, it can be a crucial step in lightening the load, enabling clearer long-term thinking.

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Articles Adele Barlow Articles Adele Barlow

How to build a strong sense of financial wellbeing, with Clare Seal

When Clare Seal faced a difficult financial situation in 2019, she turned to Instagram to make herself accountable, posting anonymously as @myfrugalyear. In under a year, she had grown a following and went on to start The Financial Wellbeing Forum. Clare is also Glamour’s Money Matters columnist and the author of three books.

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Articles Vestpod Articles Vestpod

IWD2022: #BreakTheBias around Women Investors, with Tamara Gillan

Tamara Gillan is a successful entrepreneur, founder and CEO of The WealthiHer Network. Her mission is to bring together the UK’s leading financial institutions to work in partnership for the first time to celebrate and support female wealth. As a single mother, Tamara has had to fight for her own success and passionately believes women deserve to be recognised and championed by the financial sector.

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