💌 When there’s a will, there’s a way.

Sound financial info, minus avocado toast myths.
 Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is”. Anne Frank, German-born diarist.
What on Earth are Women Doing With Their Money? Imagine being able to talk about debt without stammering or blushing. It’s funny how an honest money discussion elicits a reaction akin to having ‘THE talk’ with parents. You know, that really cringey one you had when you were twelve. So, what’s the first step to normalising sticky subjects? Confront them head on and talk about them - lots. We’re thrilled to have tech consultant Jess Morley help us get the conversation rolling. Let’s make talking about money great (again?).  
It’s easy to dislike, or be a little jealous of, the uber-rich. While we’re not saying they’re all saints, or that there aren’t inherent privileges at play, learning from the wealthy is actually beneficial for your wallet. According to a survey of nearly 700 high-net-worth investors, the very rich have financial habits they universally share. And you know what they say - if you can’t beat them - join them. Here are the one percent’s best-kept secrets.
Raise your hand if you own at least one article of clothing that you’ve only worn once. Yeah, we see you - that’s literally everybody reading this. From the high-rise flares that make you look more Ron Burgundy than they do Jane Birkin, to the distressed crop top you’re ten years too old to pull off, no one is immune to fashion faux-pas. But, one woman’s ill-fitted bardot dress is another woman’s treasure, so why not free up some space in your wardrobe and monetize on your blunders?

  Help other women break free from the shackles of awkward money talk by joining the conversation. We're looking to interview entrepreneurs, freelancers, full-time mums, financial experts - women from all walks of life, really - for our Breaking the Taboo Series. Together, we can start getting real about personal finance.

We are not certified financial advisers! The articles and information made available on Vestpod are provided for information and educational purposes only and do not constitute financial advice. You are advised to consult with an independent financial advisor for advice on your specific circumstances. Read our Disclaimer  here.
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Breaking the Taboo with Jess