Money Talk with Annabel Wilson of Living Ashram
In light of COVID-19 and the myriad of financial concerns that come with it, we've made a slight adjustment to our usual Money Talk series. We want to know how the amazing women in our community are coping and what their experience of money management during a pandemic has been like. Today, we speak to Annabel Wilson, Founder of Living Ashram - the ultimate 'whole human wellbeing toolkit'.
“It was deeply ingrained in me that to speak about money was impolite, improper and vulgar.”
Hi Annabel! Please give us a little background about yourself. What do you do?
Inspired to find a practical, modern antidote to universal disconnection, suffering and the overall lack of well-being across societies, I created profit for purpose startup, Living Ashram™️, to provide a clear path to Whole Human wellbeing; removing the guesswork, overwhelm and wasted effort from the quest for positive mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.
Cutting through the chaos and noise, we seamlessly interweave neuroscience, psychology, physiology, mindfulness spirituality and multiple healing modalities, integrating only the most impactful, benefit-proven techniques, to empower users to create substantive and sustainable, positive shifts in their well-being and life, through our wellbeing app, workshops, guided practices and data analytics.
Our 360 ethical business model means that 25% of all profits are allocated to fund targeted programmes at our charity partners, to enable adults and children to break free from the cycle of abuse and live healthy, independent lives.
What are you most passionate about?
Creating positive change in the world, meaningful connection, evolution & growth, guiding people to be the most empowered and healthiest versions of themselves, and being an incredibly present, nurturing, supportive, compassionate, loving mother to my children.
What’s your relationship with money like (be honest)?
Until recently, my relationship with money was one of shame, guilt and unworthiness. Shame, as it was deeply ingrained in me that to speak about money was impolite, improper and vulgar. Guilt over having and spending money, when others were not as fortunate. Unworthiness wrapped up with shame for anything involving negotiating salary or financial compensation for my time and work. It surprised me how deeply these negative, limiting beliefs had hidden themselves in my subconscious, and it took concentrated inner work around money beliefs for me to finally have a healthy relationship with money, centered around value, priorities and reciprocity.
What are the biggest financial challenges you've had to face in light of COVID-19?
Managing business cashflow and priorities.
Did you have enough savings to fall back on when this whole thing kicked off?
Thankfully, yes.
Have you been eligible to claim government support? If so, what's that experience been like?
We did not seek government support.
How have you found the experience of navigating your work/business during a crisis?
Challenging and incredibly valuable for growth; being realistic about when to pivot and refine our products and services to best meet our user needs, prioritising what’s mission critical and what can either be delayed or shelved, and being open to opportunities.
Do you feel like you've been saving more during the pandemic? Why or why not?
Yes and no. We’re not going out nor traveling, and our only retail spend is for what my children have outworn, but our already substantial grocery delivery bills have increased by 50%.
Do you feel confident about your financial future?
I feel confident that I have the ability to invest, manage and generate what my family and I need.
When things settle back to 'normal', what's the first thing you're going to invest in / spend money on?
When we have a clearer view on what “back to normal” looks like, both in practical day to day protocols and Covid vaccine, I would research and do relevant due diligence in what the major shifts in consumer and commercial business behaviour has been, what has evergreen potential, and which companies within those sectors have enough differentiation and robustness. I would also apply the macro and micro trends within my sector (wellbeing), and continue to invest in my company, to enable us to best meet our users’ needs. As for spending money, it would be a special family holiday with my extended family and some of my dearest friends, as they are all spread out around the world, and we haven’t seen each other since 2019.
Moving away from the 'rona: what do you feel is the biggest obstacle women tend to face when it comes to careers and personal finance?
Undervaluing ourselves, feeling impolite and demanding when we negotiate, not reaching out to as many people as we could for help and support when needed.
What is the best piece of money advice that you received?
Invest in cashflow generating assets, buy at the right price (never over-pay, unless you are 100% ok with completely writing the price off), just because you have it doesn’t mean you have to spend it.
What does financial independence really mean to you?
The ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want, without having to ask or rely on anyone else for permission or buy in. Of course, this only applies to personal finances! For business finances there are so many other factors, and collaboration with trusted team members and advisors is definitely mandatory in any significant decisions.
What is the best financial decision you have ever made? And your greatest long term investment?
Best financial decision: buying property in an “evergreen” neighbourhood at the right price. For me, long term is over 30 years, so I’m not qualified to answer that yet.
If you could travel back in time, what single piece of advice would you give your younger self (relating to money or otherwise)?
It’s never too early or too late, to start investing wisely.
What does Vestpod mean to you?
Easy to understand, accessible financial literacy and empowerment for all.
@livingashram - science & evidence based, immediately actionable wellbeing tools to overcome anxiety, fear & overwhelm.
Favourite book and podcast?
Favourite book: I have favourite books of the moment as this changes all the time.
The one I have most recently gone back to is Roger Housden’s “Ten poems to change your life”. He opens with Mary Oliver’s “The Journey”, which is as powerful now, as when I first read it years ago.
Not a podcast, but I really like Masterclass, a web and app based, monthly online subscription with modular, bite size app/online tutorials on everything from business (brand building, strategy, marketing, negotiation etc), to special interests such as music, culinary, film, entertainment and sports, taught by inspirational leaders in each field.
Lastly - where can we find you on social?
Instagram: @livingashram
Linkedin: Annabel Wilson