The True Price of the Cost of Childcare Crisis: Women Pushed Out of The Workforce
In the UK, the cost of childcare has led to record numbers of mothers being pushed out of full-time work. According to research conducted by the OECD, the UK places as the third most expensive country for childcare among its members, marginally beaten by Switzerland and New Zealand.
Can You Reduce Your Cost of Childcare?
As of this year, working parents are entitled to an extra 15 hours per week of free childcare for their 3 and 4 year olds.
Are you missing out on Child Benefit?
Are you part of the 38,000 mothers in the U.K. missing out on Child Benefit? Most of us would not know but missing out on Child Benefit means missing out on state pension rights... So, why is it important and how does this work?
Childcare as an investment, not an expense 👶
It may seem counterintuitive, but if you are in the privileged position to be able to consider childcare, you should view it as an investment, not an expense...