Are you missing out on Child Benefit?
Are you part of the 38,000 mothers in the U.K. missing out on Child Benefit? Most of us would not know but missing out on Child Benefit means missing out on state pension rights... So, why is it important and how does this work?
What I should know about P2P (peer-to-peer lending)?
Today, borrowers see Peer to Peer (P2P) as a vital supply of capital in a climate of reduced bank lending, while investors see P2P as a way to potentially earn an inflation-beating investment return when savings interest rates are at an all-time low.
Investing your first £1,000
You’ve worked hard to save enough beyond cash savings and want to do something meaningful with your money. Learn how to invest your first £1,000!
What is the main goal of financial planning?
The major purpose and reason for financial planning is to line up our financial and lifestyle ducks. But is financial planning really personal?
Spending For Smiles: Can Money Buy Happiness?
Turns out, money can buy happiness. And no, it doesn’t come in the shape of holidays on private islands or a pastel-blue Tiffany’s box, although we certainly wouldn’t mind having both.
25% Bonus on Savings?
The Lifetime ISA has been launched to push savers beef up their savings towards a deposit for a first home or for retirement. The Government will basically pay you a 25% bonus (up to £1,000) for £4,000 saved a year and this over 32 years potentially.
How to streamline your budget with 50/20/30?
We can all think of a million things to spend money on. And, as much as we’d love to consider a pair of Gucci loafers to be a wise purchasing decision, it’s important to keep our spending in perspective, which is where the 50/20/30 budgeting guideline comes in handy.
You are wasting money on these 4 things 👀
We know at Vestpod that is is hard work to put a plan together and start saving money, but look at these 4 easy things you can easily save money on!
Childcare as an investment, not an expense 👶
It may seem counterintuitive, but if you are in the privileged position to be able to consider childcare, you should view it as an investment, not an expense...
We have been featured in Women in Fintech PowerList 2016 😃
We wanted to share some very exciting news – Vestpod founder Emilie Bellet has been featured in “Women in FinTech PowerList 2016”, which is put together by Innovate Finance.
Is it now or never a right time to combine your finances?
You just got married or have been dating for a while now, how do you manage your rent payments and day-to-day expenses? Is it now or never a right time to combine your finances?
What I have learned from #GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso
Have you read #GirlBoss? This is a book published in May 2014 by Sophia Amoruso, founder and CEO of NastyGal.
4 ways to start off 2017 on the right foot
Welcome to 2017! To start the year on the right foot, let’s sit down and take a pen and paper to write our money to-do.
Building self-confidence as a woman
Having confidence is essential for achieving your full potential, but what is confidence?
Speak up: aka closing the gender pay gap
This week, we asked our friend Jess Rose Morley from the Vestpod community to contribute to our newsletter with some genuinely inspiring and practical tips on female empowerment in the workplace.
How do workplace pension schemes work?
Is your employer offering a pension plan? If yes, continue reading! If you haven't signed up for it or contributing to it, you are missing on free cash, but also missing out on the power of compounding.