From the Expert: New Year’s Resolutions & Related Stocks
One in five Brits makes resolutions every year, so I thought I’d take a look at the most popular ones and the companies on the stock market that might be affected by them.
8 Ways to Give Back At Christmas Time
Recent studies have proven it, but it’s something we’ve always known: shutting yourself up at home bitching about everyone and hoarding your money does not make you feel good.
Mental Health & Christmas Period
Sad to say, anxiety and Christmas go together like turkey and stuffing.
Our Top Christmas Spending Tips
Follow our top tips to minimise the impact of this potentially ruinous time of year.
The Impact of The Latest Interest Rate Rise on Mortgages
What effect will it have on your mortgage?
Stay Sane When Buying a House
We’ve all heard versions of the saying that moving house is more stressful than divorce, childbirth etc. So what can you do to mitigate the pain of this miserable trial by real estate?
Buying A House; Yes or No?
Despite the 2007 housing crisis, and current record house prices, particularly in London, there is a persistent mantra that your investment portfolio is complete with a house.
Autumn Budget 2017 Roundup
"Getting on the housing ladder is not just a dream of your parent's past, but a reality for your future." Philip Hammond
From The Expert: Investing - Black Friday Wish List
On the eve of the retail phenomenon that is Black Friday, I’m taking a look at how our changing shopping habits are reflected in the stock market…
Why Does It feel So Good Indulging On Good Deals?
The psychology of shopping is fascinating, given how counter-intuitive a lot of our buying habits are.
What Is The Easy Wealth Calculation Used by Experts?
Find out how you can measure your financial progress.
Net-worth: Are you financially fit? 🏄 🚴
When did you last check your financial health? Most of us actually never did! Financial planners say the best indicator to look at your financial health is the net worth. But what is it exactly?
Interest Rate is Up. What’s The Impact for Me?
You may have read that the Bank of England raised the interest rate from 0.25% to 0.50% last week.
What The Hell Is A Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a type of digital global currency that is completely de-centralised (no bosses, banks or clearing houses).
Your 4 Worst Financial Fears
Money can give us as much pain as pleasure. Remember our recent article about finance and mental health?