Chapter 1 – What IS Money?
These mini-money guides are based on the practical money book "You're Not Broke You're Pre-Rich" by Emilie Bellet.
6 Months of “You’Re Not Broke, You’Re Pre-Rich”
So my first book “You’Re Not Broke, You’Re Pre-Rich” came into being exactly 6 months ago.
Warren Buffett Invests Like A Girl
It’s a sad fact that women are lagging behind when it comes to investing. According to a survey by The Telegraph, “only 10% of women have a stocks and shares Isa compared to 17% of men”. Yet investing for the long term is crucial.
How to Use Our Money to Make the World a Better Place
From re-usable coffee cups to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, it seems we are finally waking up to the need to use our money wisely to protect the future of the planet. We’re recognizing that by matching up small gestures to big policy that we might actually achieve this goal.
Vestpod Event: Freelancers, Side-Hustlers: Managing Money, Getting Paid (Oct 25th 2019)
Our monthly Vestpod Series Event at Huckletree East
What On Earth Are We Doing With Our Money?
Content Manager (freelance). Preston, UK. 27. Engaged, 1 son, 1 step-son.
How to Stop Freaking Out About Money
It’s that spooky time of year again, and if you’re reading this after dark, you can expect a knock on the door from ghoulies, ghosties and long-leggedy beasties (and hopefully a few cute toddlers dressed as pumpkins).
So naturally we got to asking ourselves what scares us most about money? And how can we work towards exorcising those horrible finance ghosts?
What On Earth Are We Doing With Our Money?
Co-owner of a design studio. London. 36. Married with dog.
Our 10 Easy & Sensible Ways to Save Money
They may seem small, but mini-hacks like these can add up to save a decent pot of money at the end of the year and perhaps even more importantly, engender in you the right saving mindset. So here are my favourite ones:
Vestpod Event: Housing, Getting on The Property Ladder & Renting Better (Oct 2nd 2019)
Our monthly Vestpod Series Event at Huckletree West
What On Earth Are We Doing With Our Money?
Advertising Manager. London. 37. Single and would love a dog!
Credit Card Worries: How Can I Build A Healthier Relationship with Mine?
So credit card interest has risen to its highest amount in over a decade. We saw the recent report from Moneyfacts and found it worrying to say the least.