What On Earth Are We Doing With Our Money?
You may already know Refinery29’s Money Diaries… this is our own version of it! We’ve put together a few questions to understand what women are doing with their money. Let’s break the taboo and talk more about finances!
Money Talk with Annie Ridout Author and Entrepreneur
In this interview series we chat about all things money (sans-shame) with an array of inspiring women from all walks of life. Our goal is to break the money taboo, share mutual experiences and learn from our amazing community.
Money Talk with Kim Darragon of Kim Does Marketing
You have to always prepare for that worst-case scenario with some savings – at least enough to pay the rent for a few months at a minimum.
How to Manage Coronavirus Overwhelm and Still Feel in Control
I’d love to approach life like the great ancient Stoics - accepting things that we can’t change and working to change things that are within our power to change. But the truth is, when things don’t go to plan, I spiral into weeks of unchecked rumination and antisocial brooding. You can probably guess how Covid-19 has affected me and my mental health.
Toxic Money Habits and How to Break Them
It feels so difficult to change negative beliefs about our financial selves (“I can’t budget!” “I always overspend! That’s just the way I am”) and build healthier habits, and it’s no surprise, given how deep and dark our subconscious is. Things like money (and food and relationships) open up a vein right in to our most vulnerable selves, to a place it sometimes hurts to even look at, let alone challenge.